Wednesday, August 5, 2009

In my death, I only grow stronger...

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud:
So, yes, Padilla looked like Eddie Harris in the 9th inning in Major League BUT do you really, REALLY?!?!, bring in the rookie from OKC Penal to face a .394 w/RiSP hitter in a tie ballgame? I know Neftali throws 100 MPH gas we need Captain Ron showing "an inspiring rookie performance" or "gritty trust in our veterans" right now? Am I alone in this? There were a dozen other bad moments for Los Rangers tonight but....I dunno...I'm aghast...

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining:
Otherwise, Neftali Feliz looks AWESOME. Oh, I almost can't wait for next year...except I'm still emotionally involved in this year. This is like that chick you met just before you left for college...she's so hot, she SO gets me and it could all work out. First fries, then Assistant Manager....

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes:
We are on the cusp. 7 games left on this road trip. I keep thinking we are one rally away from some crazy swine flu/War Pigs mad run at the World Series. Keep believin'...I mean, for real, I'm blogging about Los Rangers at midnight. In August.


When Last We Left Our Boys of Summer...

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