Rangers Win Series Versus DET, Then Lose 2 Out of 3 Versus A's
Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: Rangers managed only 5 runs in the 3 game series versus the A's. The Rangers' offense still looks bad with flashes of being good every 3-5 games.
Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: The Rangers avoided the sweep versus the A's behind a good start by 30 year old Ross Wolf, making only his 3rd big league appearance.
And that's a trend for the Rangers this year, Tepesch, Grimm and now Wolf have stepped up and given the Rangers some quality starts.
And after all that the Rangers are still up on the A's 5.5 games.
Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: In the DET series in the Yu versus Verlander game with the Rangers well up Wash left Yu well past 100 pitches (130?). Why? Made no sense at all no matter the explanations given by Wash.
Next up the Mermen.