Rangers Controversy! Smells Like Baseball Season
Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud:
Ron Washington is a 57 year old major league manager and he did what!?!? And he's saying that that is the only time he's ever done coke? He played in the majors in the 1970's right? OK, just checking.
Glass Half Full / Silver Lining:
So Wash is human, he was out with his old buddies and thought, hey, why not. Maybe the team will rally around their skipper because of this.
Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes:
So I wonder exactly how short of a leash Wash is going to be on after opening day. How many games under .500 and/or how long under .500 do the Rangers have to be for Wash to be shown the door. On the flip side, remember, winning cures all that ails you in sports. Rangers win this season, then Wash's coke use is an interesting footnote to the season.