Monday, September 8, 2014

89 losses and counting, 19 games left

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: It's hard to believe that a season that started with legitimate playoff hopes for your Rangers has turned into the chore of watching these last games to see if it will be a 100 loss season.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: Nothing here.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: Just like Greenberg being ousted from the ownership group and then Nolan being put out to pasture (apparently early since he's now working for the 'Stros) it appears as if we will never get the full, unabridged complete story regarding what precipitated Wash's resignation with less than a month to go in the regular season. It just looks, sounds and/or smells bad. After all the bad who is left standing? John Daniels. I'm not saying anything, just pointing it out.


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