Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Rangers in a pitching duel with with Joe Saunders on the mound. No, I'm not joking, really, Joe Saunders was in a pitching duel.

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: Rangers managed only 1 run.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: 1 run was all they needed tonight versus the Twins. Leonys Martin stole second and Sardinas (who was playing SS after Elvis was ejected) knocked him in in the top of 7th.

Saunders went 5 and looked good after a shaky start. And then Soria came in for a quick 1, 2, 3 save in the 9th. Boom. Rangers win 1-0.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: Rangers can win the series if they can win the getaway day game versus the Twins tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Rangers blow 1 run lead in bottom of 9, lose to Twins 4-3

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: First blown save for Soria. And he only has 8 saves all year.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: That's Soria's first blown save. Was bound to happen.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: How bad has the batting been this season? Actually not that bad when you look at certain stats compared to the rest of MLB. The Rangers are 8th in runs, 3rd in batting average, 3rd in on base percentage, and 13th in slugging percentage.

The pitching compared to the rest of MLB? As you might have guessed, not so good. The Rangers are 26th in ERA, 27th in quality starts, 29th in WHIP and 30th in batting average against. Yeah, that's more than not good. That's awful. That's how much the injuries to the Rangers' arms have hurt them this year.


Monday, May 26, 2014

And the hits keep on coming...

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: I got nothing really, it was a nice win over the Twins 7-2. To nitpick, for the first time in a while Beltre had an off day at the plate.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: The offense again showed up, with 7 runs on 11 hits. And Nick Tepesch had a solid game on the mound.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: Seriously, with all the injuries to the bats and arms no one would have been surprised if the Rangers would have continued their early losing ways.


Did not see that coming, Rangers take 3 out of 4 from Tigers in Detroit

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: Not much here. Scott Baker got roughed up in one Rangers loss. The only bad thing I can think of regarding the recent offense is that there's still not much power to speak of.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: Where did this offensive explosion come from? Who knew losing Prince for the season would result in this type offensive production? At least for one series anyway.

And it's not like the Rangers beat a bad team with bad pitching, they beat Porcello and Verlander. And again rookie Nick Martinez pitched well in a win.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: 5 GB in the division, 1.5 GB in the wild card. This thing isn't over by a long shot. Next up the Twins.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

It goes from worse to holy crap, that's just not right...

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: Prince Fielder, you know the guy they traded Kins for, the guy that never ever ever misses a ballgame? Yeah, he's done for the year because of season ending surgery on his neck.

Jurickson Profar, you know the guy who was going to replace Kins at 2B, the guy who is a can't miss prospect? Yeah, he's out for another 2-3 months.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: The Rangers won their first game of the series against Prince's old team/Kins' new team.

Still 2 GB in the wild card standing as of this writing.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: More curse of Kolan (Kins+Nolan)? I just have this picture in my mind of Nolan and Kins sitting in a room like Bill Murray in Caddyshack but instead of woodland creatures made of plastic explosives Nolan and Kins are playing with voodoo dolls of the Rangers, and they're laughing maniacally as they stick pins in the dolls.


Monday, May 19, 2014

Well, that got pretty darn bad pretty darn fast, didn't it?

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: If my math/counting is correct then since this April 25, 2014 this is what's happened:

- The Rangers lost 6 out of 7 series.
- The Rangers have lost 15 out of 22 games.
- The Rangers are 7 GB in the division.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: At least they have the day off today.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: When is it too early to start watching the wild-card standings? The Rangers are 2 GB in the wild-card standings.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Catastrophic Day: Rangers lose series versus 'Stros, lose their arms

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: Before a pitch was thrown Perez was done. Harry was done. Then they lose this series versus the Astros.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: Next year?

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: Your Rangers have lost 3 series in a row. When's the last time that happened?  All this and they're 4.5 GB as of this writing. It's an adventure.

Is Mitch warming up in the bullpen going forward?


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Rangers lose 2 out of 3 versus Red Sox at home

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: Robbie Ross got beat up early and that was that. The offense was once again struggling.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: Frasor was good in relief.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: The Rangers are now 4 GB in the division and find themselves 2nd to last leading only the Astros. Ouch. Speaking of, hopefully the 'Stros are just what the doctor ordered, 3 up versus the Spacemen in Houston coming up.


Friday, May 9, 2014

Yu again 1 out away from a no hitter and some other thoughts about the Rangers/Red Sox tonight

- Red Sox pitcher Buchholz looks like he could have played a character on the show Breaking Bad that may have cooked and/or used crystal meth on said show.

- to answer Jeff, yes we have a player named Odor, but it's not pronounced like the word odor. But yes his base running a did stink, and he stunk on a key defensive play/error late in the game (see below). 

- I don't recall Pierzynski playing (defense or offense) last year for the Rangers as well as he has for the Red Sox.

- Jeff, I agree, Elvis looked unusually great tonight at the plate. Hope this is a trend for him and not an anomaly.

- Prince has looked more comfortable at the plate lately and tonight.

- After Martin hit a homer in the bottom of the 5th I realized how rarely we get to hear the Natural theme music at the ballpark.

- 6 pitches by Yu to get through the top of 6 was strong to very strong.

- Terrible fielding mistake was made in shallow right field by LF Rios and 2B Odor in the top of 7 that broke up the perfect game. I put that error on the veteran Rios for not calling off minor league call-up Odor and making the play. And I cannot help but think that but for that error Yu at least gets the no hitter if not the perfect game, especially considering all the extra pitches the error cost Yu.

- Yu did contribute to a 1 hitter with Ogando getting the last out of the game. And oh yeah, the Rangers won 8-0. 


Your Rangers lost 3 out of 4 to the Rockies

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: In the 3 losses the Rangers scored only 5 runs. And the Rangers have lost 7 of the last 10. Not so great.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: The Rangers are still somehow only 2 GB in the division. As bad as it has seemed they're still in this thing.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: The Rangers have designated 2B Josh Wilson for assignment and have called up top prospect 2B Odor. Fingers crossed that he will spark the offense. The offense can't be much worse than it has been.

Next up 3 at home versus the Red Sox.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Is it bad that going into tonight's game versus the Rockies your Rangers have lost 7 of the last 10?

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: Yes. And as I write this they're losing 5-1 to the Rockies.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: Somehow they're only 2 GB in the division.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: Can someone explain to me why we have a home/away inter league series versus Colorado? I am and have been for some time done with inter league play. Why not have more division games? More games against wild card rivals?


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Rangers got swept in 3 game series versus A's, are on a 4 game losing streak

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: Is it bad to only score 4 runs in a 3 game series? 'Cause that's what your Rangers did in their 3 game series versus the A's. Are 4 errors in a game good? 'Cause that's what your Rangers did in the last game versus of the A's.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: The Rangers still have one of the best records in the AL.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: Your Rangers are now 3 GB behind the A's in the division after getting swept by them. Is it too early to be looking at the wild card standings? The Rangers are in first place in the wild card standings and .5 ahead of the Halos in the wild card standings. And the Rangers have 3 at the Halos starting tomorrow night.


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