It's Officially Football Season
Rangers lost 2 out of 3 versus Halos, so now, for me, it's now officially football season because I've given up all hope of your Texas Rangers making the playoffs. It was fun while it lasted though. Who knew that they'd be in it until September. Now we have to hope Tony Romo and the Cowboys maybe win a playoff game.
Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud:
Doggie Holland loses his 5th straight start giving up 5 homers.
Even if the Rangers had taken 2 out of 3 they would have had an incredibly difficult path to winning the division.
Glass Half Full / Silver Lining:
The Rangers managed to finally put up some runs. But, too little and too late unfortunately.
Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes:
Who else would like Tom Hicks to PLEASE sell the team asap? Also, build a new, indoor stadium near downtown Dallas (ala MinuteMaid in Houston). Or somehow put a retractable roof on the old one at the very least.
More thoughts on the whole season after the final out of the Rangers' season.