Rangers got swept in 3 game series versus A's, are on a 4 game losing streak
Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud: Is it bad to only score 4 runs in a 3 game series? 'Cause that's what your Rangers did in their 3 game series versus the A's. Are 4 errors in a game good? 'Cause that's what your Rangers did in the last game versus of the A's.
Glass Half Full / Silver Lining: The Rangers still have one of the best records in the AL.
Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes: Your Rangers are now 3 GB behind the A's in the division after getting swept by them. Is it too early to be looking at the wild card standings? The Rangers are in first place in the wild card standings and .5 ahead of the Halos in the wild card standings. And the Rangers have 3 at the Halos starting tomorrow night.