Wednesday, September 16, 2009

That's All She Wrote on the 2009 Season

Glass Half Empty / Afternoon Cloud:
1 Run in the last 3400000 Innings. 6 Games, 6.5 Games Back from the Wild Card. About 17 Games Left.

Glass Half Full / Silver Lining:
Sorry, Got Nothing Here.

Thoughts / Observations / Sidenotes:
Young pitchers running out of gas. Young hitters running out of gas. Key Injuries, a GAME effort for this year, but the chances of getting into the playoffs seem less than 10%. And I must admit, that I can't blame the heat on this one. The bats going silent is quite confounding.

1 comment(s) regarding this post:

JG,  September 17, 2009 at 12:23 PM  

If they don't sweep the Halos this weekend then I too will likely give up on the playoffs. I just heard something crazy on The Ticket - they've scored just 1 run in the last 37 innings?!?!?!?!? Can that be right? I have to admit I haven't watched much but have been checking the score (much to my horror) nightly. I know Young and Josh hurt but what about everyone else? They get swept by the lowly, last place A's? Ouch.

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